Dried Coconut

Bulk Packaging : 5kg | 10kg | 25kg | 50kg
Private packaging: 1kg | 500g | 250g

Nutrition Facts


Nutrient Value/100g




















Saturated Fat












Strengthening brain function and preventing Alzheimer's

Dried coconut can help improve and promote healthy brain function. The production of neurotransmitters as well as myelin can be promoted by some chemicals in coconut meat. Neurotransmitters are the outer layer of fat that allow nerve cells to be transmitted to the brain with greater force. Note that if the myelin of your nerve cells is damaged, it will lead to severe neurological problems. Dried coconut can prevent the significant increase of Alzheimer's. This is because of its power in promoting your brain health.

Lowering blood cholesterol

Like any healthy fat source, desiccated coconut increases HDL cholesterol levels and lowers LDL cholesterol levels. Therefore, it promotes cardiovascular health and strengthens your arteries.

 Prevent anemia

Anemia or iron deficiency affects mostly women in their 30s. This condition lowers your natural defenses and also affects your general condition even though this is not dangerous in itself. Anemia can lead to accidents because it causes dizziness. It also makes it easier for viruses and bacteria to attack your body. When planning your diet, consider your iron absorption because people rarely get enough of this mineral from food. Dry coconut is rich in iron. By adding desiccated coconut to some of your meals, you can achieve your daily requirement of this particular mineral.

 Prevent diabetes

Dried coconut improves insulin secretion and blood glucose utilization. This puts diabetes under the positive influence of blood sugar control hormones. This increases blood sugar levels and helps reduce glycemic cravings. Coconut benefits fast digestion and other symptoms associated with digestive and intestinal disorders. While having fiber in the diet, it supports the absorption of nutrients and minerals. It also reduces vomiting and nausea.


Cytokinins, kinetin and trans-xinatin present in dry coconut have anti-thrombotic, anti-carcinogenic and anti-aging effects on the body.

Strengthen the immune system

The properties of coconut are excellent for the immune system. This substance is anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic. Consuming coconut oil can help the body resist viruses and bacteria that cause disease. Consuming coconut in its raw form can help treat some of the worst and most intractable diseases such as throat infections, bronchitis, urinary tract infections, liver infections and other diseases caused by microbes.

Help reduce belly fat

Coconut is also useful in treating dangerous fat in the abdominal cavity. Belly fat is the most dangerous of all fats and is associated with various diseases. 200 grams of coconut served daily can lead to a significant reduction in belly and waist fat in just 12 weeks.

 Boosting energy and relieving fatigue

Coconut helps increase energy by burning fat. The triglycerides in coconut oil increase 24-hour energy by 5% and lead to long-term weight loss. It is also known to reduce hunger. This is directly related to how fatty acids are metabolized in the body as an appetite suppressant. People who regularly use coconut products are more able to go without food for several hours without the effects of hypoglycemia. It also promotes healthy thyroid function and helps relieve symptoms of chronic fatigue.


Coconuts have been used by humans for thousands of years and may have been spread to their current range by settlers from the Pacific Islands. The evolutionary origin of the coconut is debated, but this plant, according to theories, probably evolved in Asia, South America, or the Pacific Islands. About 74% of the world's coconut supply comes from Indonesia, the Philippines and India.
Our company produces dry coconut in two ways:
Full circle and half circle
We offer high quality and completely organic products to our customers.