What is
Dried Apple?

Dried fruits are an easy and convenient way to meet your daily recommended nutrient intake. If we want to talk about one of the most useful dried fruits, that dried fruit is called dried apple. Dried apple is one of the most popular fruits that you can consume every day. In this article, we are going to talk about dried apple and its properties and nutritional value.

What is dried apple?
Apple rings are soft and chewy but lack moisture due to the drying process. They retain the tan to light brown color as well as the original flavor and aroma of fresh apples. They are peeled, cored and cut crosswise to give them a ring-like shape.

Apple is dried and used all year round because of its many nutrients and properties. Dried apples are lighter, sweeter, denser and far less rotten than fresh apples. Dried apples are crunchy and delicious and a healthy option for parties.

Dried apples contain various vitamins, minerals and fiber. Dried apples are a good choice for your breakfast or snack. Dried apples retain the properties of fresh apples. Mentioning the benefits of apples, it should be noted that in addition to more properties, it does not require special storage conditions. The only condition for keeping apples is to keep them in a dry place.

Drying apples is one of the oldest and easiest ways to preserve fruit. Some methods of drying apples include the following:
➢ Drying under the sun
➢ Use of air dryers for mass production of dried apples
➢ Placing apples in a home fruit dryer
➢ Drying through the oven

Dried apples are packed in food storage bags or containers. This makes them more hygienic and even less perishable than canned apples.
Fresh apples can be difficult to find during the winter, so people all over the world buy dried apples.

History of apples

Apple is one of the fruits that was known before other fruits. Since ancient times, people all over the world have been interested in fruits. According to historians, apple originates from the cold regions of Northern Europe and from there this valuable and useful fruit was transferred to other parts of the world.
Human civilization has long been associated with apple fruit. Apple is a symbol of love and fertility, friendship, beauty, happiness, health, wisdom, happiness and strength.
After citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, sweet lemons, limes and grapefruits) and bananas, apples are the most widely used fruits in the world.

Nutritional value of dried apples

Dried apples contain various vitamins, minerals and fiber. Every 100 grams of dried apple contains 2 grams of protein. Each 100 grams has 243 calories and 7 grams of fiber. It is a rich source of vitamin B5 and vitamin B3, as well as vitamin C, copper, magnesium, selenium, potassium and iron. A serving of organic dried apples provides about 20% of the daily value of dietary fiber. If you need a good source of fiber, don't miss out on dried apples because they contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps control blood sugar and insoluble fiber strengthens the digestive system.


Dried apples contain vitamins that can be very useful for the body. Apples contain some vitamins A and C. These vitamins contribute to the health of your bones and skin. Apples also contain a lot of B vitamins. These vitamins regulate your body's natural metabolism and nourish your liver and skin. According to studies by the Linus Pauling Institute, a half serving contains 6% of the daily vitamin B-6 and 3% of the body's vitamin B-5. Both of these vitamins help produce chemicals and neurons needed for brain activity.


Dried apple helps your health because of its minerals. According to the findings of the Linus Pauling Institute, each half serving of dried apple provides 4% of your daily need for potassium. Potassium is a mineral that is essential for neurons and brain activity. Each half cup of dried apples provides 8% of the daily iron requirement for men and 3% of the iron requirement for women.

The body uses this iron to produce new red blood cells. Red blood cells are responsible for delivering oxygen to the cells. In addition, dried apples contain other minerals such as copper, manganese and selenium.

In order to learn more about the nutritional value of this dry fruit, we have given its nutritional value table below.

Nutritional value table of dried apples

Properties of dried apples

Dried apple is a source of antioxidants and is very useful for blood pressure control. It is also good for your digestive system. It also has a great effect on the nervous system and memory. It plays an important role in treating skin problems and gives freshness to your facial skin. Apples contain B vitamins. These vitamins regulate your body's natural metabolism and rejuvenate your liver and skin. Eating dried apples has a calming effect on the nervous system. In addition to B group vitamins, magnesium and phosphorus and some other elements found in dried apples, the sweetness of dried apples helps to expand the contracted muscles of the face.

If we want to categorize 11 of the most important benefits of dried apples, we can mention the following:

1. Skin freshness

Dried apple can eliminate or reduce common symptoms such as dry skin, cracking, paleness and many chronic and long-term skin diseases.
It should be noted that this ability of dry apples is due to the presence of riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamins C and A, minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium.

2. Regulation of blood pressure

Eating dried apples and even smelling dried apples can lower blood pressure. This study showed that just one smell of dried apple can lower blood pressure in patients.

3. Health of teeth and gums

Acids in dried apples kill bacteria while chewing and clean teeth and gums. Chewing a dry apple is like using a natural toothbrush. Studies show that dry apples can clean the remaining food particles on the teeth and gums and prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Even those who have suffered from gum disease in the past can benefit from the high amount of vitamin C in dried apples.
Nutrients in dry apples strengthen the structure of teeth. Strengthens tooth enamel and prevents tooth decay.

Chewing dry apples makes the jaw muscles stronger. Due to its anti-inflammatory effects, dried apple is a simple and natural mouthwash without any additives.

4. Gout and joint pain

One of the diseases that is usually caused by overeating and continuous consumption of animal sources (red meat and fat) and alcohol is joint pain and gout. Of course, it is susceptible to this hereditary disease. To prevent the spread of the disease, it is necessary to follow a low-fat diet. Dried apple is also a valuable fruit because it is low in fat and reduces urea.
Raw or cooked apples prevent the formation of uric acid in the body, and then the total amount of uric acid, especially formic acid, increases. Therefore, its use is recommended for patients with joint pain and gout.

5. Improving memory

Dried apple improves memory. So it is useful for those who do intellectual work. In general, apples strengthen nerves and memory due to their phosphorus content.

6. Facilitating slimming

Dried apple eliminates false appetite, and of course, if you are following a diet to lose weight, by consuming dried apple, you can eliminate or reduce as much as possible the physical weakness caused by following this diet. Of course, in this context, it is better not to neglect the benefits of cinnamon dried apple. Dried apple and cinnamon together will prevent the increase of abdominal fat and lead to weight loss.

7. Preventing constipation and keeping full for a long time
One of the benefits of dried apples is that there is a lot of soluble and insoluble fiber in it. Half a cup of dried apples provides you with approximately 3-4 grams of dietary fiber, which is enough to provide 13-20% of your daily fiber needs.

Fiber makes you feel full. It also helps remove toxins and harmful bacteria from your gut. Fiber softens your stool to relieve constipation as well. Soluble fiber is responsible for controlling blood sugar levels, while insoluble fiber keeps your bowels clean.
8. Prevention of heart diseases
A lot of research has been done on apples and similar fruits, which show that they can help fight various diseases. Apples have been shown to be particularly beneficial for dealing with heart disease.
It has been found that people who eat more fruit, whether dried or fresh, have less heart disease. One of the reasons why dried apples are so good for this is that they contain a special type of fiber known as pectin.
Pectin, especially the pectin found in apples, can help lower cholesterol levels. One study proved that rats fed dried apples absorbed much less cholesterol.

9.Prevention of cancer
Dried apples help fight cancer because they contain large amounts of antioxidants. This dried fruit reduces the risk of colon and breast cancers. It also fights cancer cells in the lung. Dry apple prevents the progression of lung cancer and plays an important role in destroying cancer cells.

10. Prevention of constipation

Dried apples contain large amounts of fiber that prevent constipation and are very effective in relieving and treating it.

11. Increasing body energy and eliminating weakness and fatigue

Dried apples contain large amounts of vitamin B, which has energy-generating properties and relieves the feeling of fatigue and weakness in the body

What countries are dried apples exported to?
Our country is one of the largest exporters of dried fruits and dried fruits in the world. Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Iraq, Russia, Canada and Oman are among the countries that export the most dried apples from Iran to these countries.
Where to buy dried apples?
The price of dried apples, like other goods and food, depends on various factors and can change according to these factors. But buyers and customers can buy the best type of dried fruit at the best price in the market by researching and choosing reputable shopping centers. The price of dried apples is higher than fresh apples because a lot of fresh fruits must be used to prepare one kilo of dried apples.

With the production of two types of natural dried yellow and red apples without additives, 3nik Tejarat Company is a leader in the field of natural dried apples and guarantees the health of the consumer.
Dear buyers, you can order your product through the communication channels available on the site and determine the type of delivery yourself.