What is
Dried Pear?

Pear is one of the most popular summer fruits that has many properties. Since fresh pears are not always available, using dried pears is also highly recommended. Dried pears are a tasty and delicious snack and will delight anyone who tastes them. As you know, fresh pears have a short shelf life and are not available in all seasons, but dried pears are always available and also Due to drying and dehydration, it weighs less. Dried pears, like fresh pears, have many properties and benefits. Pear, as a fragrant summer fruit, has a cold and dry character. It reduces body heat and humidity. Like many fruits, the density of pear nutrients is higher in its skin. Therefore, in the production process, dried pears are processed with the skin. Dried pears are a popular snack for hiking or road trips because they do not need to be stored in the refrigerator. Continue with us to introduce you to the nutritional value and properties of dried pears. let's get acquainted.
What is dried pear?
First, let's know a little about the pear fruit. Pear is a juicy, cone-shaped and tasty green and yellow fruit whose tree grows best in temperate climates that are neither too cold nor too hot. The pear tree is sensitive to cold. Pear flowers open a little earlier in the spring, so they are more vulnerable to spring frosts. The pear plant likes and tolerates the summer heat. Pears are harvested in late summer to mid-autumn. The number of pear cultivars in Iran is about 120 species. The most important local cultivars are: Karaj pear, Khorasan pear, Isfahan pear, Natanz pear (Kashan), Mohammad Ali Mashhad pear, Three Seasons Karaj pear, Siberian pear and Prophet pear. These pears are sold fresh and some are dried in factories to prepare dried pear packaging. Dried pears taste close to dried apples and contain many of the same nutrients as fresh pears. They contain similar phytonutrients, including antioxidants and flavonoids, which have significant health benefits. These phytonutrients are mainly concentrated in the skin of the fruit, although the flesh contains these nutrients in lower concentrations.

Dried pear slices are a sweet treat that you can gift in packages, take with you on a hike or hike, or eat as a snack at school or work. Fresh pears have a short shelf life, and dried pear slices are a good alternative to getting enough fruit each day. Dried pear slices are nutrient-dense foods that can boost your diet. The use of dried pears is very popular among athletes because it weighs much less than fresh fruit and is also low in calories and high in energy. Dried pears are also used in ice cream and desserts. Types of pears It can be said that there are two main types of pears: summer pears and winter pears. Summer pears are harvested in summer and winter pears in mid-autumn. These two types of pears have different characteristics. Summer pears: The harvest of summer pears starts almost in early summer. This fruit is very fleshy and juicy. It has a sweet taste and its color is yellow. Winter pears: Winter pears can be harvested almost from early fall. This type of pear is harder and has less water than the summer type. Winter pears taste less than summer pears and are also smaller in size than summer pears. The skin color of winter pear is light green and in some parts of the fruit it is slightly reddish. Both types of pears, in addition to their refreshing taste, also have many properties that have made them very useful and popular. The largest pear producing countries in the world 1. China 19,499,487 tons 2. Argentina 905,605 tons 3. United States of America 738,770 tons 4. Italy 701,928 tons 5. Türkiye 472,250 tons 6. South Africa 433,105 tons 7. India 399,000 tons 8. The Netherlands 374,000 tons 9. Spain 366,131 tons 10. Belgium 331,550 tons History of dried pears Pear is one of the oldest cultivated and beloved fruits in the world, whose history dates back to 5000 years BC. The name pear is derived from the Anglo-Saxon Pere or Peru, from the Latin Peraya Pira. Pears were cultivated in China since 2000 BC. Pears were also cultivated by the Romans, who ate the fruit raw or cooked, just like apples. The Romans also introduced the fruit to Britain. Because of its variety and long shelf life, pears were a valuable and favored commodity on the trade routes of the ancient world. In the 17th century, a huge boom in the cultivation of different types of pears began in Europe.
This medium-sized tree is native to Western Asia and Eastern Europe, especially the northwestern regions of Iran and the Caucasus Mountains. Pear wood is one of the preferred materials for making high quality woodwind instruments and furniture. About 3,000 known varieties of pears are grown around the world, varying both in shape and flavor. The fruit is consumed fresh, canned, as juice and dried. Nutritional value of dried pears Dried pears are unique, nutritious and delicious. They are rich in vitamin C and potassium and are a good source of dietary fiber. They contain essential carbohydrates that release energy slowly, which is great for your metabolism. Like apples and other fruits, pears contain antioxidants that protect you from cancer and heart disease. No sugar is added during pear drying, so it can be used as a healthy snack or meal. Dried pears are easy to digest, elderly people or people with weak body systems and sensitive stomachs should add it to their diet. fiber One serving of dried pear pieces provides 7 grams of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber lowers your cholesterol and helps regulate your blood sugar levels. Women should get at least 25 grams of fiber per day and men should get 38 grams of fiber. Fiber prevents constipation due to its laxative effect. Sudden consumption of fiber can lead to muscle cramps and diarrhea. A slow and gradual increase in fiber intake can reduce these symptoms. Try to add 1 to 2 grams of fiber to your diet each day until you reach your daily fiber intake goal. Dried pears contain about 4.5% sugar and a moderate amount of phosphorus, which is important for building bones and teeth. They also contain lean protein from pear skins. Dried pears have more fiber than fresh pears because the drying process naturally breaks down pectin, which makes up most of the cell walls of fruits like apples and strawberries. It also helps to treat hemorrhoids. Another advantage of fiber is that it has a large volume relative to its weight and very few calories, so it promotes weight loss. Vitamin C: Dried pears also contain vitamin C. Therefore, it increases the body's immunity against colds and coughs. This vitamin also protects the body against the dangers of free radicals and cancer as a strong antioxidant. Dried pears are the best way to fight painful coughs. If you have a nighttime cough, a cup of soaked dried pears will ease your mind and body.

Potassium in dried pears: Another valuable nutrient found in this dry fruit is a large amount of potassium. The presence of potassium prevents the formation of blood clots and also regulates blood pressure and reduces heart diseases and heart attacks. Folate in pears: Folate is a member of the B vitamins family. This vitamin is very essential for the health of pregnant women. Folate prevents neural tube defects, which is one of the birth defects, and causes better growth and appearance. Nutritional value table of dried pears Properties of dried pears Dried pears are a nutritious snack that is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The dry climate in which they grow preserves the fruit's natural sweetness, making them a healthy snack for all ages. Pear bulks up in the stomach due to the presence of fiber (a type of pectin) and makes you feel full. Although dry pears have relatively high energy, they do not raise blood glucose levels at once, so they do not cause hunger in the body. The substances in pears are very useful for strengthening the body after diseases that deplete human strength. Of course, during recovery from diseases such as tuberculosis, anemia and severe weakness, eating dried pears is also very useful. In folk medicine, it is used as one of the best medicines in the fight against cough. It liquefies phlegm and facilitates its exit from the lungs. But best of all, pears can combat lung spasms, acute coughing attacks that often occur with whooping cough, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and asthma. Children especially love pears - if a child has a cough at night, give them a decoction of dried pears, this will help reduce it. Dry pear cleans the liver, heals the body after poisoning with heavy metals, drugs and alcohol. If we want to categorize the 10 most important properties of dried pears, we can mention the following:

1. It helps the health of the digestive system and food digestion Dried pears are rich in dietary fiber, which aids digestion by promoting regular bowel movements and preventing constipation. Eating dried pears can support a healthy digestive system.

2. Prevent heart disease The fiber in dried pears helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL), which can reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. Reducing the risk of high blood pressure Dried pears are an excellent source of potassium, which helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

4. Reducing the risk of cancer Dried pears, like fresh varieties, contain antioxidants called phytophenols. These compounds boost your immune system by fighting free radicals that can damage cells. Antioxidants can help fight (and stop the growth of) certain types of cancer.

5. Fighting inflammation Like fresh pears, dried pears also contain flavonoids. These compounds fight inflammation in the body, which can help reduce the risk of certain diseases, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

6. Weight loss Dried pears are rich in fiber, which helps in weight loss. The fiber content prevents rapid blood sugar spikes and makes you feel fuller for longer. Dried pears also contain pectin, which may help relieve constipation and lower cholesterol levels.

7. Skin health A natural source of vitamins C and A, pears are a healthy skin food that helps keep skin clear, smooth and hydrated. Rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A needed for cell growth and healthy skin regeneration, and vitamin C, key to supporting collagen production and promoting your body's natural ability to fight the signs of aging, this dried fruit It helps to keep the skin young. Since our skin is the largest organ in our body, pears are a great source of vitamins and minerals that will help you glow more. Since pears have an alkalizing effect on your body and help neutralize free radicals, pears are also great for boosting your immune system.

8. Bone health Pears are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help build strong bones Pears, like most fruits, contain vitamin C and potassium, which are essential for bone health. Both of these nutrients help maintain our bones by improving calcium absorption and regulating parathyroid hormone levels. Dried pears are an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps increase the flexibility of your bones. Dried pears are an excellent source of calcium. One serving of dried pears provides 10% of your daily value of calcium. This mineral is essential for the proper functioning of nerves and muscles, as well as maintaining the health of your bones.

9. Eye health Dried pears are rich in vitamin A, which is very important for maintaining eyesight. Vitamin A helps protect the surface of the eyes and can reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

10. Strengthening the body's immune system The combination of vitamin C and antioxidants in dried pears can help strengthen the immune system. These nutrients help fight harmful pathogens and support overall immunity. Pear is very useful for colds, reduces high fever, stimulates the active forces of the body and helps fight inflammation and viruses. Regular consumption of pears is also an excellent source of strong immunity.

11. Suitable for diabetics Dried pears are very useful for diabetic patients because the sugar in them is fructose, like other fruits, and this sugar is absorbed by the body with the lowest amount of insulin. They have a low glycemic index, which means that they do not cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. However, its consumption should not be excessive.

12. Properties of dried pears in pregnancy Dried pears are rich in folic acid. This mineral plays a very important role in the health of the human fetus. Its deficiency during pregnancy has irreparable consequences.Dried rami fruits can be easily available to pregnant women in all seasons of the year. In general, the consumption of dried fruits during pregnancy is very welcome because of the less bloating it causes.

What countries are dried pears exported to?

Our country is one of the largest exporters of dried fruits and dried fruits in the world. The largest amount of dried pears are exported from Iran to the countries of Turkey, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, UAE, Oman, China and Germany.

Where to get dried pears?

In Iran, there are many producers and suppliers to buy dried pears, and it is possible to place an order for you online. 3Nik Business Company is one of the largest producers and exporters of dried pears in Iran, which produces dried coconuts using advanced machines. All the products of 3Nik Business have Sib Salamat logo, Halal certificate, Iso9001, Iso22000. Dear buyers, you can order your product through the communication channels available on the site and choose the type of delivery yourself.