What is
Dried Coconut?

What is Dry coconut?

Coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm. The kernel inside the fibrous green shell keeps the edible flesh and milk of the coconut fresh. Desiccated coconut is known as "copra" in India and is obtained by removing the shell of a mature coconut and cracking the kernel, revealing the meat and liquid inside.


The milk inside the coconut hardens as it matures and becomes coconut meat. After a coconut is first cracked, the flesh is approximately 50 percent moisture and contains about 30 to 40 percent oil. After drying by heat or sun, the moisture content is reduced to 4 or 5% and the oil content reaches 36-70%. The resulting dry coconut is off-white in color with a mild coconut flavor.


Desiccated coconuts can be found year-round in tropical climates. Dried coconut has a longer shelf life than fresh coconut and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months.


The history of coconut


The coconut palm is native to tropical India and Southeast Asia and also grows in South Africa and South America. Desiccated coconuts are mainly exported from the Philippines, Malaysia, Mozambique and Papua New Guinea. Desiccated coconuts are the source of coconut oil and are exported around the world for use in making oil. Coconut oil was introduced in Europe in the 1860s as a source of edible fat at a time when dairy fat was scarce, and now more than half a million tons are imported annually. Desiccated coconut is commonly found in markets across India.


Coconuts are grown all over the world in all coastal and tropical regions and are an important food item for millions of people. Coconuts have more than 60 million tons of commercial production in more than 80 countries. Above all, they need a high level of moisture. This is the reason why this seed has never established itself beyond the tropics.


Nutritional value of dry coconut


Desiccated coconut has more saturated fat than dairy. It has no cholesterol and very little sodium. Desiccated coconut is rich in manganese, which researchers say is good for healthy skin and bones and helps maintain good blood sugar levels.


When included as part of a healthy diet and active lifestyle, desiccated coconut is good for you. Avoid artificial sweeteners or unhealthy snacks. Instead, add some desiccated coconut. That way, you can enjoy something sweet but nutritious rather than empty calories and harmful added sugar.


Of course, desiccated coconut is good for health when combined with a nutritious diet and an active lifestyle. It not only improves the taste of food and drinks, but also contains important vitamins and minerals.


Properties of dry coconut

Coconut is a delicious tropical fruit unlike any other, and its uniqueness comes from its nutritional content as well as its incredible and versatile taste and texture.

There are several minerals in coconut meat that are not commonly found in many other foods.

These important minerals, when combined with antioxidants and rich iron content, create a super nutritional combination that has been proven to have many health benefits.


Fresh coconut contains fresh water which is very beneficial for health. This fruit has many vitamins that can be used as a meal. Coconut fruit is not only healthy, but can also be used during pregnancy.


Dried coconut fruit is high in saturated fat, but it is harmless. These acids are transferred to the liver through the digestive system and can have therapeutic effects on brain disorders such as epilepsy and Alzheimer's.


Dry coconut contains all kinds of vitamins. On average, consuming 400 grams of coconut can provide all the vitamins your body needs daily. Desiccated coconut is an excellent source of copper, calcium, manganese and zinc. It is also a good source of potassium, thiamin and other minerals. The compounds in coconut oil can eliminate belly fat.


Abdominal fat is one of the most dangerous fats available, to eliminate them you can use 150 to 200 grams of dry coconut daily and within 7 to 12 weeks you will see a significant reduction in belly and waist circumference.


The fiber in coconut can play an important role in reducing heart diseases. Fiber in the large intestine turns into a gel-like substance. This gel absorbs LDL cholesterol, which is the bad type of cholesterol that leads to plaque buildup in the arteries. It does not absorb HDL cholesterol that enters the bloodstream and acts to keep the artery walls flexible, thereby lowering blood pressure. Its overall effect is to reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis, heart disease and stroke.

The gel also retains moisture, which helps maintain proper speed during digestive transit, thus minimizing the effect of cancer toxins on the lining of the colon, which in turn reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Coconut has been shown to speed up cellular metabolism by providing an instant source of energy with fewer calories.


Here are 10 of the most important properties of dry coconut:


1- Contains dietary fiber for weight loss


Dietary fiber is an indigestible plant material and therefore is never properly digested by the body. When fiber mixes with liquid and passes through your stomach and intestines, it turns into a gel-like substance that sticks to the lining of your stomach.


This slows down your metabolism and therefore releases food into your stomach more slowly than normal. It promotes satiety and makes you feel fuller for longer.


In particular, fiber intake has been shown to reduce the risk of developing "visceral" belly fat—and can make losing excess fat in this area much easier.


Additionally, having a reasonable amount of fiber in your system has been shown to help with the diversity of gut bacteria.


A rich mix of bacteria in the gut is linked to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.


2- Prevention of anemia


You might not think of coconuts when you think of iron-rich foods, but they're a surprisingly good source.


Iron is found mostly in red meat, liver and beans.


It is a mineral and its purpose is to carry oxygen in the red blood cells that travel throughout the body.


Red blood cells carry oxygen directly from the lungs to the internal organs to keep them healthy and functioning as they should.


In the womb, the unborn baby stores enough iron to live a healthy life for the first 4-6 months. As long as they are usually weaned on "proper" food.

If not enough iron is consumed, anemia occurs.


Anemia is a condition that results directly from a lack of red blood cells. It can cause pale skin, extreme fatigue and dizziness, shortness of breath, and palpitations, and is often discovered when a person faints or falls to the ground.


If you feel you are deficient, adding desiccated coconut to your food or drink is a convenient and easy way to increase your iron levels.


3- Prevention of osteoporosis and arthritis


The fatty acids in coconuts have been shown to help strengthen bones and prevent bone loss in animal clinical trials.


In fact, studies on the effects of coconut consumption and topical application on the weakened bones of people with osteoporosis have been so positive that coconut oil is now regularly used as a treatment for those with the condition!


In addition, the antioxidant properties of coconut make it both anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving.


The main antioxidant compounds in coconut are: gallic acid, caffeic acid, salicylic acid and p-coumaric acid. All of these destroy free radical cells and prevent them from damaging other cells in the body.


Arthritis causes inflammation and pain in the joint, but consuming desiccated coconut (or other coconut products) can help relieve symptoms, as well as help resolve the problem before it occurs.


4- Rich source of minerals


Desiccated coconut is rich in manganese and copper, which are not usually found in large amounts in foods.


Manganese is vital for bone health (especially spine health, but also for general bone health) as well as protein, carbohydrate and cholesterol metabolism.


It has also been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes, as people with the disease tend to have lower levels of manganese in their system.


It can reduce the risk of seizures because people who suffer from these conditions have lower levels than normal in their brains.


Copper is also a very important mineral and has generated a lot of interest among the scientific community, especially for its ability to treat several chronic medical conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease. .


Studies of copper as a cancer treatment are ongoing, but early results suggest it may be as successful as, if not more than, cisplatin, a common chemotherapy drug.


5- Strengthens your brain function


The health benefits of desiccated coconut will not make you smarter, but it will help improve and promote healthy brain function. Some chemicals in coconut meat cause the production of neurotransmitters as well as myelin.


The second is the fatty covering that covers neurons (nerve cells) and allows them to more efficiently transmit electrical signals coming from or to the brain.


Note that any damage to the myelin sheath of your neurons will lead to severe neurological problems. Coconut is so effective at protecting this particular part of your body and promoting your overall brain health that coconut oil has recently been endorsed by researchers looking for an effective treatment for Alzheimer's. According to the results of some studies, it helps to slow down the progression of the disease as well as prevent it.


6- It helps to reduce your blood cholesterol level


Like any other source of healthy fats, desiccated coconut lowers your LDL cholesterol levels while raising your HDL cholesterol levels. Thus, it strengthens your veins and promotes cardiovascular health.


7-Benefits of dry coconut for the skin


Desiccated coconut is an excellent source of nutrients like vitamin C and vitamin E, which are essential to keep your skin healthy and glowing.


Desiccated coconut is rich in vitamins and minerals that can help you have glowing skin. Not only does it act as an antioxidant that fights free radicals, but it also helps clear your skin of blemishes and fine lines.


Dried coconut is rich in fiber, minerals and protein. It is not only good for our physical health but also good for skin health. Desiccated coconut has a high antioxidant content, which makes it useful for maintaining skin health and preventing wrinkles.


For centuries, Hindu women have used desiccated coconut to remove dead skin cells and reveal fresh, glowing skin. Use as an exfoliator or gentle mask to encourage cell regeneration and cell turnover.



8-Benefits of dry coconut for hair


Desiccated coconut is a powerful natural ingredient that eliminates dryness and promotes healthy hair while adding shine and volume to any beauty routine.


The benefits of desiccated coconut for hair include providing essential nutrients and moisture that keep your skin, hair and nails healthy.


Dried coconut is rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients for a healthy body. These nutrients are essential for hair health and provide moisture and softness to damaged strands. The vitamin and mineral content of desiccated coconut water can restore the shine and health of your hair.


Dry coconut can be used to improve the health of your hair. Because it contains natural lauric acid and its fatty acids, using desiccated coconut can help increase blood circulation in the scalp, which keeps hair follicles healthy.


Desiccated coconut is a good source of protein and healthy fats that keep your hair thick and shiny forever.


9-Benefits of dry coconut for weight loss


Desiccated coconut is one of the most popular weight loss supplements in India. It has several health benefits and can help you achieve your weight loss goals naturally


Desiccated coconut is a low-fat snack. It has a very low glycemic index, which makes it an ideal snack for people with diabetes or looking to lose weight.


Looking for a super healthy snack? The answer is definitely desiccated coconut. It is rich in nutrients, rich in fiber and good fats.


If you want a healthy snack that will keep you full, this is for you. It's low in carbs, so it won't spike your blood sugar like other high-carb snacks. It's also a great post-workout snack because it contains natural electrolytes that restore hydration and replenish glycogen stores after exercise.


10-Benefits of dry coconut during pregnancy


Due to its high fiber content, dry coconut is the best supplement for pregnant women, which helps prevent constipation.


Desiccated coconut is free of cholesterol, helps in reducing heart diseases and also helps in reducing high blood pressure which is harmful for pregnant women as well as their babies.


The benefits of desiccated coconut are especially important during pregnancy, when you need to make sure your body is getting all the protein, iron, and calcium it needs for a healthy pregnancy. Desiccated coconut is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, containing vitamins A, B-complex and C, as well as iron and magnesium. Desiccated coconut is also an excellent source of fiber.


Dried coconut contains a lot of minerals, vitamins and nutrients that are essential for your baby's growth. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, calcium, sodium and potassium are the most important minerals found in abundance in dry coconut. These minerals are good for your baby's health as well as yours.


What countries are dry coconuts exported to?

Our country is one of the largest exporters of dried fruits and dried fruits in the world. Countries like Germany, China, Russia, Turkey, UAE, Canada, etc. have the largest amount of dry coconut imports from Iran.

Where to get dry coconut?

In Iran, there are many producers and suppliers to buy desiccated coconut, and you can place an order online. 3Nik Tejarat Company is one of the largest producers and exporters of desiccated coconuts in Iran, which produces desiccated coconuts using advanced machines. All the products of 3Nik Tejarat have Sib Salamat logo, Halal certificate, ISO9001, ISO22000.


Dear buyers, you can order your product through the communication channels available on the site and determine the type of delivery.